Initiatives for Solutions

All the following initiatives are taken to meet present crisis and take part in solutions all together for the betterment of the world

DoiT Leaders

Issue: Failure to engage students for civic engagement and the welfare of the country, Lack of Youth Capacity Building
Solution: Capacity Building Students program to equip with leadership skills, get them involved in promoting peace, environment restoration, and ensure their mental wellbeing.


Issue: Heatwaves, Air pollution, Deforestation, Food shortages, Natural disasters like floods.
Solution: Planting lots of trees in cities, creating green roofs, growing food in rural areas, planting more trees in forests, and adding greenery to coastal areas.

Guardian of the Earth Award

Issue: Who are honstlt contributing to the world?
Solution: Guardian of the Earth Award (GEarth) is an International Brand award to recognize world leaders who are contributing their best to the society and setting example for others.


Issue: Society has created divisions between men and women. There are more divorces and family problems. Children are affected by this. Men and women are competing instead of working together for the betterment of society and families.
Solution: The #HePlusShe Unity Campaign – Movement for a Balanced World will bring men and women together, raise respect between them, and teach relationship skills for making social changes.


Issues: Economic crisis, lack of environment friendly products development, platform, and marketplace
Solution: Help the economy by supporting green businesses, provide international platforms, training, and opportunities for selling products