Raoman Smita

Environmenalist, Peace Keeper, Global Leader, Lawyer, Life Coach and Author

“Climate Change, Injustice, Violent Politics, War - Where are we heading? The world needs leaders who can heal our planet, establish peace and introduce nonviolence politics. Therefore, I call upon all those who carry a Green Heart, deeply care about people and environment, to come together. We must unite now, stand side by side, to repair the damage we’ve caused to the Earth. Let’s embark on a journey of healing and renewal for our one and only Mother Earth. Let’s ensure its health and strength for all living creatures. Let’s build the Backbone of our Nations
Raoman Smita

Raoman Smita is a Lawyer at the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and a dedicated Life Coach. Alongside her professional roles, she is recognized as an environmentalist , Peace Keeper,  Youth Rights Activist, Global Leader, Author, and World Record Holder. Her advocacy spans environmental justice, peace-building, human rights, and mentoring youth leadership. She is also expert in Climate Finance and Climate Justice. Her accolades include the Global Leadership Award 2019-Nepal, ASEAN Youth Icon 2019-Philippines, Youth Award 2019-Bangladesh, Corona Warrior Award 2020-India, Peace Award 2022-Malaysia, Speaker Award 2023-Dubai, and various other honors for her social contributions. As the Founder and President of the “Global Law Thinkers Society,” she leads a global platform for leadership. Raoman’s nationally renowned book, “Theory of Happiness,” serves as a guide to life coaching, while her writings and Illustration for children inspire young minds. Committed to social change, she empowers children, youth, and women to become active citizens. Her vision is to restore the environment and cultivate global peace.

Hence, Raoman initiated the Leadership Campaign “Build the Backbone of the Nation with-Green Heart” – a drive for societal change through active citizenship.

Green Heart

Law Firm

Life Coaching



Ecogrin Shop


Peace Priority for Welfare Over Partisanship


United Parliament Initiative by Fair Participation


Encouraging the Rise of New Leadership through Youth Political Participation


Eco Friendly National Development and Harmonizing Sustainable Development Initiatives through right Coordination


Preserving Natural Spaces by Protecting at least 25% of Land as Untouched Natural Areas


Ethical and Transparent Leadership and Governance


Inclusive, Engaging & Empowering Community Collaboration in Nation Building


Ensuring Safe and Nutritious Food Access


Embracing Global Responsibility by Collaborating for Global Challenges


Creating scope for Cultural and Religious Respect and Harmony

মেয়েদের জন্যঃ বাধা পেরিয়ে স্বপ্ন পূরণ

মেয়েদের জন্যঃ বাধা পেরিয়ে স্বপ্ন পূরণ

জীবনে কোন কিছু পেতে হলে তার জন্য স্বাভাবিক ভাবেই অনেক বাধা পেরোতে হয়। মেয়েরা যদি কিছু করতে চায় তার জন্য…

ট্রোল থেকে নিজেকে রক্ষা করবেন কিভাবে?

ট্রোল থেকে নিজেকে রক্ষা করবেন কিভাবে?

একদিন আপনি রাস্তা দিয়ে হেটে যাচ্ছেন। হঠাৎ একজন আপনার পাশে এসে আপনাকে ভেংচি কাটতে থাকলো। আপনি তাকে পাল্টা উত্তর দিলেন।…

Theory of Happiness- Inside Out Life Coaching News on deshbd24.com

Theory of Happiness- Inside Out Life Coaching News on deshbd24.com

“থিওরী অব হ্যাপিনেস্-ইনসাইড আউট লাইফ কোচিং” এখন বই মেলায় “থিওরী অব হ্যাপিনেস্-ইনসাইড আউট লাইফ কোচিং” সকলের কাঙ্খিত বইটি, বর্ষাদুপূর প্রকাশনী,…

What is Life Coaching and who is a Life Coach?

What is Life Coaching and who is a Life Coach?

Life coaching is a process of helping individuals improve and optimize their personal and professional lives. It involves working with…

Who needs life coaching?

Who needs life coaching?

Life coaching can be beneficial for anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life or achieve their goals.…

Who is a life Coach?

Who is a life Coach?

A life coach is a trained and certified professional who helps individuals make positive changes in their personal and/or professional…

Raoman Smita Autobiography

Raoman Smita Autobiography

Raoman Smita is an Environment and Human Rights Activist, Lawyer in the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Public Speaker, Life Coach,…

Personal Development Courses with Coach Raoman

Personal Development Courses with Coach Raoman

Personal development courses are designed to help individuals improve their knowledge, skills, and behaviors to achieve their personal and professional…

Productivity hacks for great success

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Essential Time Management Skills That Will Improve Your Life

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একজন লাইফ কোচ কে?

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কখন লাইফ কোচের কাছে যাব?

যখন আপনি নিজের জীবনে একটি নির্দিষ্ট লক্ষ্য স্থাপন করতে চান কিন্তু সেই লক্ষ্য অর্জন করতে পারছেন না, যদি আপনার জীবনে ব্যাক্তিগত…

ব্যক্তিগত উন্নয়নে লাইফ কোচিং

ব্যক্তিগত উন্নয়ন লাইফ কোচিং এর মাধ্যমে একজন ব্যক্তি নিজের প্রতিভা এবং সম্পূর্ণ সম্পদ (মানসিক ও আর্থিক) উন্নয়ন করতে পারে। লাইফ…

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Etiam placerat velit vitae dui blandit sollicitudin. Vestibulum tincidunt sed dolor sit amet volutpat. Nullam egestas sem at mollis sodales.…

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